From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Continuing your Midjourney learning experience

Continuing your Midjourney learning experience - Midjourney Tutorial

From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Continuing your Midjourney learning experience

- [Instructor] A congratulations is in order for you on completing this course on tips and tricks for using Midjourney. As you continue your learning experience, look no further than these following resources. Keep in mind that on Discord, all of the various channels associated with Midjourney are extremely helpful for your learning process. Simply find a channel, such as multi prompts, that might be helpful for producing images where you can learn from other people's prompts as well as the images that they create. There are also a number of image jams where you can test out your knowledge, not to mention office hours where you can learn from other creators. In addition to this, don't forget about and the explore section where you can find a piece of art that you like that has been shared publicly by another user. And from that, click on the three-dot icon in order to copy the full command, head to Discord,…
