From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Character consistency in v6

Character consistency in v6

- [Instructor] With Midjourney V6, a new parameter has just been released called Character Consistency. The idea is that you create a character with Midjourney, and then you use the link from the character that you created in other scenes so that you have consistency across your images. So let's start off by creating a character, then we'll use that character in other scenes and then decide how much that character has influence on our new image with another parameter called Character Weight. So we'll start off with the imagine prompt and let's type in, a medium shot of an Asian astronaut with her helmet off exploring an abandoned planet. We'll follow that with the aspect ratio parameter. So that's --ar16:9, and let's see what character Midjourney comes up with. Okay, while we didn't quite get her helmet off, we do have our character exploring an abandoned planet, and I just so happen to like the third shot down here. So…
