From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

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Blending images

Blending images

- [Instructor] In a previous video, we took a look at how we could upload an image to Discord and combine that with a text prompt so that Midjourney produced new imagery. We even looked at how we could give a weight to the image versus the text, so we could have either the text or the image have more influence over the final result. The cool part is, is that you could also do this by referencing a web link. I'm here on This is a free resource where you have a number of commercial and non-commercial photos that you can use in projects. I'm going to do a search here for Whitehorse, Yukon, and I'm going to scroll down just to the free section until I find something that I like. And I like this photo right here. I'm going to select this photo, just so that we could see it large, and before doing anything else, I just recommend reading about Unsplash's copyright so that you make sure you have the use cases…
