From the course: Microsoft Teams: Building Custom Apps with the Dataverse

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Navigating in Power Apps

Navigating in Power Apps

- [Instructor] I'm going to click the start now button to start Power Apps. And what I'm being asked is where do I want to put the app that I'm creating? I have a choice of all of my Teams that I can place this in. And I'm actually going to create this for Kinetico. And I'm going to click create. This takes a moment to set up. It says, you can feel free to close this window and you'll get an email when everything's ready, or you can simply leave this open. And again, I also have Teams running. So if I wished, I could alt + tab and toggle back to Teams, do some work here. And I will receive a notification in my activity. It says "Success, Power Apps is ready to go." And if I click Power Apps, then I have an opportunity to name my app. I'm simply going to name this "Test" because what I want to do is give you a brief tour of Power Apps. So I'm not really going to create an app. Instead, I'm going to show you what you need…
