From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Build a simple model-driven app

Build a simple model-driven app

- [Instructor] Some of the templates that we scrolled past earlier, are actually model-driven app templates. So if you'd like to know what's possible in a model-driven app, take a look at Fundraiser, for example, Innovation Challenge or Asset Checkout. You'll find that you have a real data rich experience in these model-driven apps. We're going to create a very basic model-driven app together, and the easiest way to do that is not to start with Create, but to go to Apps, choose the New app dropdown and select Model-driven, and we'll build this from a blank. There are two choices here, a Classic app designer, which is being replaced with the Modern app designer. And so I'm going to choose the Modern app designer and click Create. We need to give this a name, and I'm going to call this Workers and Jobs. And we could provide a description. You already know how to do that. Click the Create button, and we will be in the…
