From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Add a text label

Add a text label

- [Instructor] Our app is looking pretty good. With the exception of the home screen, which is blank, all of our other screens are pretty much finished. One thing that all of the screens have in common is this blue rectangle at the top and this little text label on this screen it says contacts. We're going to go ahead and add those to our home screen now. To add that rectangle, we need to get out the insert panel, In the insert panel, we come all the way over here to the left and we click on this big plus sign. You see, when I hover over it it says insert. I'm going to click that, our insert panel opens up, and we have a number of different categories that we can expand to add different things to our app. Now, the top category is popular, and both things that we're looking for are here. We have rectangle, and that's the one we want. We're going to click there and it drops that rectangle right onto the screen. Now we want to…
