From the course: Microsoft Power Apps: AI Builder

Create no-code AI models for your business - Power Apps Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Power Apps: AI Builder

Create no-code AI models for your business

- The Microsoft Power Platform is a development platform. Today's fastest growing development platform. There are tens of millions of app makers, using the Power Platform to solve challenges and leverage opportunities for their companies. One of the newest components of this platform, only a year old, is the AI Builder. And it's used to add intelligence to apps and workflows. With the AI Builder, you can create Custom AI Models, specifically for your business using your text, your data, your images. The models you build, are then used in power apps or power automate, to predict outcomes and automate processes. The Power Platform is popular in part because it is a no-code, low code development platform. You can do a lot in the platform without code, but even more by adding some code to your work. The AI Builder on the other hand, is drag and drop and totally code free. You don't need to know a programming language to create models with the AI Builder. And these models can save your organization time and money. I'm Gini Von Courter. In this course, we will review the prebuilt models that are available to meet common business needs. But our focus is on creating customized models that will be specific and relentlessly useful in your organization. Please join me for this exploration of the intelligence in the Power Platform , Microsoft AI Builder.
