From the course: Micro-Presentations: Saying More in Less Time

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- Have you ever been to a party and decided it was time to leave, but 30 minutes later, you were still there saying goodbyes and getting caught up in additional conversations? Oh, uh-oh, and there's your partner giving you the evil eye from across the room. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow expresses this scene perfectly, "Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending." Presentation closings are a little bit like saying goodbye at a party, speakers have an incredibly difficult time knowing when and how to stop talking. Oftentimes the person looks at their watch, realizes their time is up and says, "That's it. Any questions?" I'm going to give you some good reasons to put more time and thought into your closing and share a couple of examples with you. The first reason to have a thoughtful closing may seem obvious, the audience needs to know when you're done. Don't be ambiguous, if they don't know you're…
