From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Plan the first 100 days

Plan the first 100 days

- Once you've made the deal, the hard work begins. A solid plan for the first 100 days of an acquisition is a key to making it go smoothly. That plan should be completely laid out before the deal is struck and announced. Some of the things that plan needs to include are things like new employees being brought onboard. How are you going to do things like payroll, benefits, uniforms, business cards, and office space? What are you going to do about security, equipment, email addresses and policy briefings? You'll need to think through how you're going to integrate from a customer standpoint. Customers need to be transitioned to the integrated business. Who's going to communicate with the customers? What's the message? Who owns that customer relationship? Are there going to be any ordering or payment process changes? You need to think through integration of technology and finances. What's the going to be your system of record? Will you maintain multiple technology platforms? If so, for…
