From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Identify targets

Identify targets

- There are many different types of acquisition targets you can pursue. You'll need an active M&A target identification process to constantly monitor possible targets and their availability, as well as to identify new possible acquisition targets. This process can include competitive intelligence, information from bankers and business brokers, and internal strategic planning efforts. Those sources contribute acquisition ideas into your pipeline. In terms of competitive intelligence activities, that lets you know what your competitors are doing in the marketplace. You can find out if a competitor is in trouble or facing difficulty. You might learn of a competitor spinning off some assets for sale. Bankers and business brokers are constantly approached by businesses that are looking to sell their assets, and those bankers and brokers are more than happy to put those ideas in front of you. Your internal strategic planning efforts are going to help you identify new market spaces that you…
