From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Evaluate your organization's readiness

Evaluate your organization's readiness

From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

Evaluate your organization's readiness

- Your organization has to be ready to assimilate any acquisition target. If your business isn't performing well or if there are major distractions that are consuming the organization's energy, an acquisition can be a terrible mistake, even if the economics appear to be favorable for the deal. Know what capabilities are required to integrate the target. Rigorously assess if you're ready to take on that challenge before you make a deal. Even if your business is performing well, an ill-considered deal can bring it down. Ask yourself, are you performing well enough to cover performance shortfalls either in the acquired company or your own business? Are your people capable of handling this new work? Are your systems and processes strong enough to handle the additional workload? Is your culture a good fit with the acquired company's culture or do they clash? Do your people have the time, energy, and focus to make the integration successful, or are there other priorities that are going to…
