From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Conduct due diligence analysis

Conduct due diligence analysis

From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

Conduct due diligence analysis

- During due diligence, you'll submit information requests to the acquisition target and review their responses. A lot of times these requests cover every element of their business. I suggest you consider asking for the following information. Ask for their financials. Get information about their financial performance, salary, benefits, balance sheet, liabilities, and assets that they've got. Understand what equipment they have, what's its condition. Do you have reports about the purchase price and the purchase dates? Get information about their intellectual property. Do they have patents, trademarks, copyrights? Can you get samples of their IP? You should know about their customers. Get their customer list, customer counts. Understand some metrics around their customer base like retention or the lifetime value of a customer. Do your diligence on their operations. What locations do they have? What are their processes? What do their operating metrics look like? Do they have any…
