From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Communicate the deal

Communicate the deal

- Once you've signed the deal, you need to communicate it. Your stakeholders include your employees, the acquired company's employees, both company's customers and suppliers, and the general public. Cover why the deal was made, and what changes, if any, will be occurring as a result. Acquisitions are a time of great uncertainty. If you don't communicate well, you can lose employees and customers along the way. There are several major issues you need to communicate out to the organization. First, the deal rationale. Tell employees and customers why you did the deal. Talk about the timeline. When will the deal close? What are the major changes? When are they happening? Talk about layoffs. Are there going to be any? If so, be explicit. If not, tell people so they can relax. Announce any changes as soon as you know they're coming. Are there going to be organization changes? If the seller is going to remain with the company, explain what their role is going to be. Tell people where they…
