From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Build the integration team

Build the integration team

- To perform a successful acquisition integration, you'll need a dedicated integration team. That team's entire responsibility is making sure the combination goes smoothly. Put your best people on this team. Augment them with specialists and external consultants to make sure the integration goes well. This team runs your 100-day integration plan. Don't make the mistake of putting low-performers on this team because people say things like, oh, the business can't afford to lose our high-performers during the integration. You risk losing not only your entire investment in the acquisition, but also negatively impacting your core operations, due to the distraction of the poor integration. External consultants can be used for things like finance, IT, and HR. There are plenty of experts out there that you can bring in to augment the integration team. I know one company that did an acquisition and they had no integration team. The acquired business leaders kept running the business. They…
