From the course: Mergers & Acquisitions

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Assemble the diligence team

Assemble the diligence team

- You'll need to review every element of the business you're acquiring to ensure you know exactly what you're buying. Build a due diligence team to assess the target company's operations. This requires a cross-functional team with expertise in multiple areas. Involve people from finance, operations, sales and marketing, facilities, human resources, and technology. Any key function that will have an impact on the deal should be involved. The team will need to be dedicated to diligence efforts. This takes a lot of time and energy. Sometimes diligence will take a long time or you may have to conduct diligence on very short notice. You have to ensure you get a complete assessment of what you're buying and don't face any nasty surprises down the road. You can avoid these nasty surprises by getting a team that's small to prevent news of the deal from getting out. Get representation from all functional areas so you don't miss something big. Maintain your diligence documentation. This is so…
