From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Write your first objective

Write your first objective

- Now that you have a sense of the overall framework, let's learn how to write an excellent OKR, and we're going to start by breaking it into manageable pieces. First, we'll focus on writing the O, the objective. It's the simplest description of your goal, what you're trying to accomplish. It's your definition of success. I love this step because it focuses the conversation around what's important to your organization right now. Keep in mind this will be our first pass at it, so it might be rough, but we just want to get something on paper and that we'll refine as we go. We encourage organizations to first set what we call a North Star objective, a single objective that describes success over the course of the year or even longer. Ambitious, clear goals as run the Boston Marathon or build the world's fastest browser. Or in the case of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, global eradication of Malaria by 2040. Use the North Star OKR as an inspiration for your team, because what…
