From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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What's a good OKR?

What's a good OKR?

- OKRs have two parts, an objective and a set of key results. An objective is the what. It's the goal that you and your team are trying to accomplish, and once you articulate that objective, it becomes the rallying point for your team. Then, each objective has a set of three to five key results. If objectives are the what, key results are the how, as in how we'll prove we've gotten there. A great set of key results are the benchmarks of success. They help measure how much progress is being made, and they set the finish line. By definition, an objective is accomplished when you fulfill all of its key results. Let's get a bit more specific. First, OKRs represent what you want to achieve, the outcome you seek. They describe what you want to create, change, or improve. OKRs are not empty inspirational statements. They're not about doing just a little more than we're already doing today. They lay out significant challenges. John says, "A good objective is significant, concrete…
