From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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The OKR cycle

The OKR cycle

- For OKRs to work well, everyone's got to commit to the calendar. What do we mean by committing to the calendar? We mean that OKRs have an internal rhythm. They come and go in regular cycles, and if you don't find your organization's optimal OKR rhythm, it's harder to make them work. Here are the beats of an OKR cycle. Crafting. This is when creating the next cycle's OKRs begin. Sharing. This is when leadership shares its top level OKRs, kicking off the cascades and ladders. Locking. This is when the cycle's OKRs are finalized after the cascades and ladders end. Tracking. It's an ongoing process to measure progress against OKRs at regular team meetings and check-ins. Grading and Reflecting. This is when you score the cycle's OKRs and share what you've learned. That's the complete OKR cycle. Cascading and laddering every 90 days might sound like a lot of work, but introducing new OKRs at least a couple times a year is a good idea. When used well, OKRs help your teams learn what's…
