From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Setting up for next cycle

Setting up for next cycle

- Now that you've graded and reflected on your OKRs, let's get set up for the next cycle. Based on what you've learned from your last set of OKRs, ask: What can you do even better in the next cycle? What do you want to do more of? Is there anything you want to stop or avoid doing? Your answers to these questions are the inputs to seed your next set of OKRs. After an honest team conversation about the prior cycle, you may decide to do one of several things. First, you might retire an OKR. Maybe you hit 70% or higher on it, and the goal no longer needs to be a top priority for the team. You've accomplished enough of it to move on to a new priority. Or maybe your environment has changed and the OKR is suddenly less relevant, or perhaps it's no longer under your control. Second, maybe you realize you'd set the wrong priority, or you made it too ambitious or too easy, or the OKR steered your team towards the wrong target. Take this new information to rewrite the OKR. Or third, the OKR…
