From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Revenue OKRs: Dos and don'ts

Revenue OKRs: Dos and don'ts

- John believes that truly transformational teams combine their ambitions with their passion and their purpose. When OKRs are used well, they will connect your purpose to your objectives and key results in a clear and straight line. Let's look at our friends at Superhuman, a software company on a mission to create the fastest and most efficient email experience, built for people like myself who get way too many emails. Superhuman cuts the time that people spend in their inbox preserving more of their day and enabling them to get more done. One of the company's objectives is to refine the entire superhuman experience to remarkable quality, refine the experience that's action oriented. It's the what they're trying to accomplish. It's an objective that sets the bar at remarkable quality. The OKRs key results will define that level of quality and how it will be achieved. It's easy to draw a line from this objective to the company's mission of creating the best email experience possible…
