From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Pause for impact

Pause for impact

- I had like to talk about how OKRs relate to a healthy workplace and contribute to a vibrant community. Fairness, equity, and social responsibility are topics on a lot of people's minds. And at What Matters, we suggest incorporating something called "The Pause" into your OKR setting process to do justice to them. OKRs shape your organization and its culture. They embody your top priorities and the things you want to change. Diversity, inclusion, and responsibility matter. These are just a few examples of issues that can be addressed by OKRs, but if you fail to take this step to pause and to reflect, you run the risk of having your organization set priorities that unintentionally reinforce damaging practices or perpetuate inequitable systems. Could you add a key result or adjust an objective not to just avoid that behavior, but to change it? Ask yourself, are we doing the right thing? Do your organization and team priorities benefit everybody, your customers, your stakeholders, your…
