From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Part three: Bottom-up OKRs

Part three: Bottom-up OKRs

- What's amazing about John's story is that Intel's rapid realignment happened before Slack. It happened before Google Docs. It happened before the internet. One person raised a flag and created a spark around an OKR that focused an entire organization. This truly showed the power of a strong cascade. Now let's talk about laddering and learn how OKRs can be either top-down or bottom-up. As we've seen, cascading is the way that goals flow down from the top of an organization. Laddering is how goals work their way up from the bottom to the top. As soon as a top level OKR is communicated across an organization, don't wait for your direct managers to cascade it down to you. If you did that, it could take weeks or even a month, way too long for effective alignment. Get to work immediately by crafting your own OKRs that align with that top-level OKR. And laddering. You align with an OKR from somewhere else in the organization, and it doesn't have to be a top-level one. A team can ladder to…
