From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Part one: Top-down OKRs

Part one: Top-down OKRs

- An effective goal setting system will bring teams together around shared goals. Let's take a deeper look at the OKR superpower of alignment. Alignment happens in two ways, cascading and laddering. Cascading goals flow down from the top of an organization. Laddering goals work their way up from bottom to top. In a well run OKR process, roughly half of your organization OKRs should come from each of these baskets. Cascading begins as soon as you communicate your top level OKRs. In a typical cascade, a team or owner will inherit a KR and then make it one of their objectives. Then the team will craft key results for that new objective. Those KRs will have owners too, and some of them will continue to cascade down to the deepest layers of your organization. Though objectives typically cascade to direct reports, they can also flow to any team in the organization. That's why a good cascade looks more like a network, not an org chart. Let's look at an example of cascading. An educational…
