From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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OKRs guide your actions

OKRs guide your actions

- Many organizations try to skip from strategy straight to action plans. That's like playing a game of telephone with your entire organization. The idea gets broken into hundreds of projects, and there's no process to make sure that it adds up to the outcome you're looking for. Meanwhile, every team is competing for time and resources to get all of their respective projects done at once. And while it can seem like an impressive amount of activity, it doesn't always lead to meaningful progress. Instead, use OKRs to declare and draw attention to what matters most right now. OKRs can help uncover and resolve competing priorities. They can be a tool to shift conversations from my goals to our goals. For example, let's say there's a football team, the Sand Hill Unicorns. They're a good team, but they've never made it to the Super Bowl, and you've got two leaders on the team, the general manager and the coach, and they've got different goals. The general manager wants to focus on improving…
