From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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OKRs for startups

OKRs for startups

- If you work at a startup, you're likely to face different challenges than at a more established organization. We've got a few tips on how to use OKRs to encourage experimentation and learning as you build your company. Some startups may still be in the process of defining their mission and values, or even the products and services. It's safe to say that early on, not every startup has a clear strategy. And that can create turmoil. Roles are often fuzzy, and the company's direction can change from week to week. And here's another pitfall for startups, trying to do too much at once. In the beginning, everything seems like a good idea until you've figured out what works and what doesn't. OKRs can help. Use them for those all important conversations about where the company needs to go, which problems need to be solved next, and even which opportunities you should walk away from. John loves to say that entrepreneurs do more than anyone thinks possible with less than anyone thinks…
