From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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OKRs for nonprofits

OKRs for nonprofits

- Nonprofits often ask us, but will OKRs work for us too? And the answer is absolutely. Every organization needs to turn strategy into execution, and that's why any organization can use OKRs. At the same time, nonprofits and for-profits prioritize different things and that can affect their OKRs. Let's start with an organization's mission. Whether it's battling poverty or disease or saving the planet, nonprofits take on hard problems and this change can take decades, and strategic plans may have very long timelines. Wikimedia, for example, has both a three year and a 10 year strategic plan, and that can make it tough to answer the question, what's most important for me to do right now to advance the mission? OKRs are designed to translate long-term strategies into actionable goals. Perhaps your Bono's One organization with the mission to eliminate extreme poverty and end preventable disease. It's inspiring, but where do you start? How do you turn one big strategy into a number of more…
