From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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OKRs for CEOs

OKRs for CEOs

- No matter what type of organization they lead, 2 CEOs wear a lot of hats. 3 One hat is for leadership on strategy, 4 shepherding the mission, 5 making the final decisions on the company's direction, 6 guaranteeing that the organization's finances are secure 7 and sustainable. 8 Another hat they wear is for operations; 9 assembling a team that keeps the infrastructure, 10 facilities and day-to-day processes running smoothly, 11 especially in the event of the unexpected. 12 But that's not all. 13 CEOs have intangible responsibilities. 14 As most work gets done by teams, 15 CEOs are charged with creating a work environment 16 that consistently produces big wins. 17 Their values and behavior set the tone 18 of the entire organization's culture. 19 OKRs help CEOs fulfill all of these responsibilities 20 at every stage of an organization's growth. 21 They raise everyone's sights. 22 They empower teams to look beyond the…
