From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Examples of key results

Examples of key results

- Let's rate key results that put you on track to achieving your objectives. Just like objectives, the language you use matters. The way you phrase things influences how your team executes. For example, which of these two key results do you think will have more impact on your team's performance? The first? Identify all bottlenecks in the review pipeline. Or the second, reduce review time to under five minutes. While both of them mean removing bottlenecks, but in the second one, the impact we're after is much clearer. Here are the criteria for a great set of key results. Key results are specific and time-bound. They'll say, "We'll get exactly this far in this amount of time." Key results are aggressive yet realistic. They have the appropriate amount of stretch built into them. Most of all, they're measurable and verifiable. Key results are not subjective. At the end of a cycle, you'll know whether or not they've been met. So if you want a product to be better, specify how much better…
