From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Ending the OKR cycle

Ending the OKR cycle

- At the start of the cycle, we set a handful of goals and we tacked on measurable markers for success. Now we're calling time. Did we cross our finish line? If we did, what helped us make it? And if we didn't, what caused us to fall short and what would we do differently next time? Grading and reflecting is the moment we've been building towards throughout this cycle. We're about to learn not just how to grade our OKRs, but also how to reflect on them to help us set better goals for the next cycle. Grading is an unbiased activity. For every key result we mark how far we got. It'll be very clear if we met or exceeded our key result or if we didn't. Grading should be quick and efficient, and if you've been tracking your key results throughout the cycle, you'll have a good read on what those scores will be. There's not going to be many surprises. To get an overall score for the OKR, take the average of its key results. Each one counts equally towards the OKR score. Here's an example…
