From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Don't confuse KPIs with OKRs

Don't confuse KPIs with OKRs

- It might give you peace of mind to know that objectives don't have to capture every single thing you're trying to do. In fact, they shouldn't even try. As John says, "If you focus on everything, we focus on nothing." OKRs represent the most important outcomes you want to achieve, and your objectives name and highlight them. In other words, OKRs are not business as usual. Business as usual, or BAU for short, are the essential activities to keep things running day to day. Take payroll, for example. Everybody wants that to be steady, but you don't need OKRs for those activities. Use your OKRs for your transformational goals instead. Every organization has initiatives to help them grow, transform and achieve operating excellence. Those initiatives are vital to long-term success, yet they're vulnerable to getting lost in the day to day. OKRs remind us where we need to focus our time and our attention to grow and excel. Think about a racing team. Their mission to have the fastest car in…
