From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Conversations, feedback, and recognition: CFRs

Conversations, feedback, and recognition: CFRs

- Almost any communication tool, Zooms, texts, emails, all of those Slack channels can help move your OKRs forward. In a football game, there are different forms of communication about goals, from the huddles to the audibles, to the timeouts and the meetings that happen at halftime. Healthy organizations also use different forms of communication. Together, they can help teams achieve operating excellence. Where performance management was once relegated to annual reviews, we advocate for a more modern approach of continuous performance management. It's delivered through conversations, feedback, and recognition, or CFRs for short. CFRs and OKRs are goal-setting siblings. A healthy OKR practice cannot exist without them. Conversations are communications about the work itself, the progress, the tactics. It seeks to resolve issues before they bottleneck the work. Feedback is intended to improve or change performance or behaviors. Recognition shows appreciation. Using all three greatly…
