From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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- Thank you for joining us here on LinkedIn Learning. These lessons contain much of the most valuable advice that Ryan and I pass along to Kleiner Perkins portfolio companies and other organizations that we work with. OKRs are all about looking ahead. They're all about the future. I am confident they can help you achieve your most audacious goals. In my experience, it's rare that an organization magically excels at OKRs overnight. The important thing is to stay the course and keep going. Carry on what worked well, and be thoughtful about what didn't work. Try a different approach in the next cycle. Three important points. First, the most successful organizations adapt OKRs to their culture and their values. There's no one right way to do OKRs. Second, it's going to take time to build your goal-setting muscle. Countless teams have told me it's well worth the effort. And finally, your organization's needs are going to change over time. OKRs can help you with these transitions. When used…
