From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Commit to your OKRs as a team

Commit to your OKRs as a team

- At this point, maybe you're wondering, "Why are we doing so much work to describe our goals?" It's because OKRs help teams to work together. In addition to adding clarity about what a team wants to accomplish, the objective and metrics to prove you've accomplished them, the key results, there's an important piece to making OKRs work for your organization. Commitment. Whenever we set an OKR, it's a commitment to our team, "We are going to get this done, We're going to get this done even while we navigate our other responsibilities. We're going to get this done even when a shiny new priority or unexpected challenge pops up. And if someone on our team falls behind, we commit to helping each other succeed." That may mean that other things that seem important become lower priorities for at least the cycle ahead. But we agree that right now this set of priorities is the best choice for our collective success. It's about going from my goals to our commitments. Imagine there's a company…
