From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Can you change an OKR?

Can you change an OKR?

- Inevitably, there will be a time when you ask, should I change my OKRs mid-cycle? There are three main reasons that might prompt that question. The first, the world around you changes. One example we can all relate to is a global pandemic that's outside of our control, and it's definitely going to change the way many organizations operate. A second reason to change is when new information emerges that's significant enough to fundamentally reshape priorities. A few examples: a competitor releases a new product that threatens your market share, or you manufacture a product that suddenly faces a recall, or you lose a major client or donor, or maybe your organization is facing a legal hurdle. The timing almost never aligns neatly with your OKR cycle. These are the circumstances when you need to ask, are the priorities we started the cycle with still the top priorities today? The bar for changing an OKR should be high. A bright and shiny new idea may not be good enough of a reason to…
