From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Five tips to improve objectives

Five tips to improve objectives

- To make objectives more actionable, ask yourself five questions. First, are you asking for something incremental or for a leap, or a discovery? Second, can you make your objective more specific? Third, can your objective be more action-oriented? Fourth, can you frame it more concisely? And fifth, can you make it more memorable? I really like these five questions, and so let me share a bit of why I ask each of them. Let's begin with the first question: Is your objective asking the team to make an incremental, or a leap, or a discovery? OKRs are meant to describe what we want to change. If the change that's most important right now is incremental to the status quo, describe it that way. In fact, incremental goals can significantly stretch your team. It may be that increasing sales by 5% in the next quarter really moves the needle. It can also lean into an incremental change. Perhaps you want to stretch your team more than that 5% and you're aiming for a small leap of 10 or even 20%…
