From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Five benefits of OKRs

Five benefits of OKRs

(no audio) - Why do you want to learn to use OKRs? To achieve more? To advance your career or your organization? OKRs can be a vehicle for all of those things and more. When I wrote "Measure What Matters", I organized the book around OKR benefits. I called them the OKR superpowers, because I truly believe this system can help you accomplish anything. The five superpowers of OKRs are focus, alignment, commitment, tracking, and stretching, or as they say, just the facts, F A C T S. First of all, OKRs find us focus. They remind us of what's most important at any given moment. They also define what's less important. They give us permission to say no to a task that will distract us from what matters most. Second, OKRs provide us with alignment. Because they're transparent throughout the whole organization, OKRs can help break down silos. They enable an organization to get its priorities in line from top to bottom. Third, OKRs call for collective commitment. They give us a way for everyone…
