From the course: Measure What Matters: Succeeding with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

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Four different ways OKRs align

Four different ways OKRs align

- One tricky part of using OKRs is achieving alignment. There's some critical aspects to alignment that I want to share to make sure you're making the most of this superpower. As you begin the cascade and ladder process, first, decide how many layers of OKRs you want for your organization. For small teams, it's probably best to stick to one layer only, and as you grow, you might want to add another layer, a North Star for the whole organization, plus another set of OKRs for cross-functional goals. And once you've got the hang of OKRs, it's fine to add layers. Some create OKRs at the team level, and others take it all the way down to individual OKRs. However many layers you settle on for your organization, try to limit yourself to as few OKRs as you can. That'll keep your team focused and the process more manageable. Now that you've decided on the number of layers of OKRs, let's take a look at four cascading scenarios and how to handle them. You might inherit all of your objectives…
