From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

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Setting up AOVs for Render to Texture

Setting up AOVs for Render to Texture

From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

Setting up AOVs for Render to Texture

- [Instructor] We've seen how to render out or bake a Maya native texture to a bitmap file in order to ensure compatibility with other applications, and indeed, with the Arnold renderer itself. Now let's take a look at how to bake out an Arnold node such as this curvature in order to once again, provide compatibility with other applications, such as a game engine, or even Maya itself, because as we can see, I've got a curvature node feeding into the base color of this standard surface. That material is assigned onto the figure of a dancer, but we do not see that base color showing up in the view port. And that's simply because view port 2.0 does not support the curvature node. But of course, Arnold does, if we click in that camera view port to give it focus, we can initiate an Arnold rendering, Arnold render, and we can choose the Camera to shape, we see that as expected, the curvature is showing up in the base…
