From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

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RGB curves with remap color

RGB curves with remap color

From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

RGB curves with remap color

- Adjusting the individual red, green and blue channels can be accomplished with a curves interface using the remap color node. We'll use it to color correct this image and make it a little bit more green. I've got the Hypershade graph open. Let's create the remap color node. Go into the Create menu and choose color utilities remap color and connect it in between this file node and the base color of this material. Take the out color of the file node connected to the color input on remap color. Take the out color of remap color and connected to the base color of the material. Select that remapped color node, and we've got separate red green and blue graphs or function curves. And they've all got linear transitions from zero to one. So the input and output values match exactly. So currently we're not making any change to the image. to shift the image towards green we can reduce the amount of red and blue using the graphs.…
