From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

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Defining a cutoff threshold with a Condition node

Defining a cutoff threshold with a Condition node

From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

Defining a cutoff threshold with a Condition node

- [Instructor] We've multiplied the ink ramp and ink noise textures using a layered texture node, and the result that we get is a gray scale effect, but we want a very sharp distinction between the inked and un-inked area of this wood cut shader effect. And an easy way to accomplish that is using a condition node. That will simply test one value of a shading point against another value and output a different color depending upon the results. Let's create that condition note. That can be found in the HyperShade menus, we can go to create, general utilities, condition. Connect the out color of the condition node to the out color of our surface shader. Select that condition node and let's rename it as well. We'll call it ink condition. The condition node can accept up to four inputs. The first term and second term are floating point values and then below that we have color if true and color if false, and those are…
