From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

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Adjusting a floating-point attribute with remap value

Adjusting a floating-point attribute with remap value

From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

Adjusting a floating-point attribute with remap value

- Another very useful node for manipulating texture map data is remap value. It accepts a floating point attribute and it can output another floating point attribute or color. I'm going to use it here to enhance the contrast of this ambient occlusion texture which is baked onto disc. That is feeding into the base weight of this dancer porcelain standard surface material. Like we saw in the previous movie we can do some limited adjustments in the file note itself. I can select that file note and open the attributes with control A. In the color balance section, once again we can adjust these values but because we're taking the alpha channel instead of the color, we want to adjust the alpha gain and alpha offset. We can see how that's affecting the image over here. Increase the alpha gain, set that back down to a value of one. Very important that alpha is luminance is enabled here. That's how we're able to take just the…
