From the course: Maya: Fundamentals of Medical Animations

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Cinematic lighting

Cinematic lighting

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at creating a more cinematic effect. This approach is good for a range of animations and can help the storytelling aspect of your animation by making it feel as if the viewer is inside the human body. The first thing we want to do is to create an Area Light by going to Arnold, Lights, and Area Light. We're going to move this light to one end of our scene. And then scale this up and point it in the correct direction. Go into your Arnold RenderView and press Play and we can see that we need to adjust the intensity and exposure of this light. So I'm increasing the exposure to five and then I'm increasing the intensity to 10. I'm going to go into the camera shape now so I can see what this looks like in our final render scene. I'm just going to reduce the size of this and put this in the corner down here. The first thing I'm going to do is create a bit of atmosphere in the scene. To do this, we're going to go to the render settings and…
