From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Work with the Outliner

Work with the Outliner - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

Work with the Outliner

- [Instructor] When working in Maya, it's always a good idea to stay organized. So give things descriptive names and organize things so that you can find them. And a lot of that happens in a window called the Outliner. Now this is a window you will use a lot in Maya. So we can find it in a couple of places. If we select windows, outliner, it should bring up a floating menu. It may bring up a doc menu depending on how Maya is set up, but this floating window allows you to position it wherever you want. Now if you want a docked window, you can do that as well. And you can go down here to, say, a panel layout. So I'm going to select this one here which has two windows side by side, and I'm going to change this left window. I'm going to select panels, panel, outliner, and that brings up an outliner in a window. And this kind of locks it in place so we can always see it. Now, the outliner is essentially just a list of…
