From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Understanding the animation interface

Understanding the animation interface - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

Understanding the animation interface

- [Instructor] Maya is a terrific animation package. So let's understand the animation interface before diving into some animation features. The animation interface is based along the timeline, which is typically at the bottom of the screen. Now, we have a time slider, where we can slide left and right to step through the animation. We can also play back here, and we can also step through animation. So if I go to this one here, I can step through a frame at a time. If I select the object, notice how we have these red key ticks on the screen. And if I click on this one, I can step through individual keys and I can do that forward and backward on both by key frame and a frame at a time. And I can jump to the beginning and the end of the animation. Now, if I go down a little bit further, you'll see we have what's called the range slider. Now this has two sets of numbers. The outside numbers are the total length of…
