From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Extrude along a path

Extrude along a path

- [Instructor] Curves can be used in a lot of different places in Maya. I'm going to show you one application of curves, and that's for modeling. We're going to use a curve to guide and extrude. So here I have a simple polygonal box, and I want to take one of the faces and guide it along this particular curve. Now, in order for this to work, the curve does need to be oriented in the right direction. This is one place where curve direction is important. If I right click here and go into Control Vertex, you'll see that the beginning of the curve is here. But I want the curve to start at the extrude. So I'm going to right click on this, go into Object mode, go Curves, Reverse Direction. And now I have my start of my curve here. And that's great. So let's go ahead and do a simple extrude. Now we can do this just using the Extrude tool that we normally use in Maya. I'm going to right click on my box, and let's go ahead and…
