From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Boolean tools

Boolean tools

- [Instructor] One more way to combine objects is to use what's called a Boolean. Now this allows you to add and subtract surfaces. You may be familiar with this from other packages but Maya also supports it. It's not used a lot in Maya but it is one technique you can use. So let me show you how this works. When we do a Boolean we have a main surface and then we have a modifier surface. So basically I like to think of the second surface as kind of like the cutting tool. I'm going to start off with the handle of my coffee cup and I'm going to left click and drag it so that the edges of that overlap the outer surface. I don't want to go so far as so where they protrude in like this. I just want them overlapping that outer surface. Now, once I have this I need to select these in a proper order. I need to select my base mesh first and then my modifier or my cutting tool. So let's select the coffee cup first and then…
