From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Add creases to smooth surfaces

Add creases to smooth surfaces - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

Add creases to smooth surfaces

- [Instructor] Now one thing about subdivision surfaces is that it's kind of a brute force method. If you select, say for example, this coffee cup and hit the number three, it's smooths absolutely everything in its path. And sometimes, you don't really want that. You want some parts of the model to have creases or not be smooth. Now we can manipulate this by using what's called the crease tool. So if I have my model here, I can right-click and go into edge mode. Let's go ahead and make a crease where this handle hits the coffee cup. So I'm going to select all of these edges around that intersection. And all we have to do is go into mesh tools, crease. And when we do, notice how my cursor changes. All I have to do is make sure they're selected, is hover over them, middle click and drag. And as you can see, that highlights. And if I drag all the way to the right, it creates a complete crease. If I go about halfway, I…
