From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Utilizing Facebook and Instagram Messenger

Utilizing Facebook and Instagram Messenger

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Utilizing Facebook and Instagram Messenger

- [Instructor] The Facebook and Instagram Messenger tools are often overlooked as opportunities for social media engagement and tools for lead generation. If you have a large following on Facebook or Instagram, you may want to think about leveraging the Messenger apps a bit more. Some of the key reasons to use the Facebook and Instagram Messenger apps include increasing authenticity and engagement, addressing customer complaints and concerns, and providing quick customer support. Unfortunately, there are some limitations to the Facebook and Instagram Messenger apps. Facebook has made it difficult to simply message your page fans, so you need to get creative when using Messenger for both Facebook and Instagram. You can send messages to your fans by using Facebook Ads but you have to pay for it, Later on in this course, I'm going to show you how you can use some third party tools to increase your engagement with Facebook…
