From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Measure the success of your posts with Sendible

Measure the success of your posts with Sendible

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Measure the success of your posts with Sendible

- [Instructor] If you're managing multiple social accounts at once and are looking for a unified place to look at analytics and data regarding those accounts, one of the best options is Sendible. So here I am at, and you'll notice that Sendible has solutions like a lot of the applications that we've been looking at. You can do publishing, you can do team collaboration. But where they really shine is in their analytics department. So let's go ahead and just click on Analytics and kind of take a look at some of the things that their platform provides for us. So you'll notice that we can get cross-platform reporting, and they have this report called the Engagement report, which allows you to look at your engagement across all of your different social networks so you can try and determine which ones are being most successful, which ones need more work, and maybe why those things are happening. Again, looking at…
