From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Marketing with Instagram Videos and Reels

Marketing with Instagram Videos and Reels

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Marketing with Instagram Videos and Reels

- [Instructor] Posting video content to Instagram is a great way to market with social media, and Instagram allows for two different posting options. You can either use Instagram Video, which allows videos of a max length of 60 minutes, and you can also organize those videos into series, so you can release multiple videos around the same topic, and then put them all together, kind of like a YouTube playlist. And this is great for in-depth video content, maybe in-depth instruction on how to use your products. This is better for people who already follow you. They already trust you, so they're willing to watch longer video content. But that brings me over to the next option for posting video to Instagram, and that is via Instagram Reels. Reels are a little bit different. They have a max length of only 60 seconds. However, because of that, you are trying to really capture people right in the beginning of your reels, and…
